What to See and Do




Photo credit: @sweptawayphoto

We have black bears and grizzly (brown) bears that often make their way through town. Come to Stewart and you’re almost sure to see a bear of some kind!

Fish Creek Wildlife Observation Site

Credit: Erwin Weston


~ Closed for the season. Reopening Summer, 2025 ~


Just 9.5 km (5.9 miles) from the Stewart Visitors Centre is the Fish Creek Wildlife Observation Site (Bear Viewing Platform) in Hyder, AK. The US Forest Service and The Alaska Department of Fish and Game make sure to offer a safe environment for our wildlife and people.

In July and August, make your way down to this platform to watch the salmon run and bears hunt the salmon. Be sure to drive slowly as bears frequently cross the road. Other wildlife viewing opportunities include a variety of birds, including a merganser family, mink, marten, weasel, a beaver working on a dam and on very special occasions wolves. 

For current Fish Creek activity you can call 250-636-2367.

Visitors are required to purchase tickets online on Recreation.gov. There is no mobile service at the site or in Hyder, it is recommended that you purchase the tickets in Stewart, before you enter Hyder. 

For more information, please visit the Fish Creek Wildlife Observation Site.

For updates on Hyder, AK border restrictions, please visit our Border Information page.