What to See and Do



Fishing Boats

Interested in saltwater fishing? There are thousands of species in the Portland Canal, but the most common critters to catch are salmon, halibut, crab and prawns.


Ocean Fishing

A journey to Stewart is never complete without a trip down the Portland Canal! Make sure to reach out to Wild Northern Adventures to get the best views and fishing spots, you will not regret it!

River Fishing

Every year many visitors come to Stewart to fish in our rivers in hopes to catch various salmon and trout species. Bear River has been described as “fishing heaven” with many succeeding in their trips and coming home with more than they ever imagined. Clements Lake is known for small trout species and Meziadin Lake has trout species varying sizes. Come for the views, stay for the fishing! 


Please note to double check fishing regulations and have proper license(s) for the area you choose to fish. For information on what type of license you need and how to obtain it, click HERE